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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our Dry Wall comes in more than 8 ft sheets - January 24th, 2012

Master Bedroom

 Fireplace in Master Bedroom

Ensuite Shower

Main Bathroom 

Preston's Bedroom 

Sebastian's Bedroom
The Stairwell

Finishing touches in the back and columns for deck

We Have Stairs!! - January 21st, 2012

They completed insulating the entire house.

Cieling of Foyer

Dining Room


Door to Cold Storage Room

Upstairs to 2nd Floor


Downstairs to Basement

Updates on the outside - January 10th, 2012.

Masonry completed


Let the Insulation Begin!! - January 10th, 2012

Pretty in Pink! 

Working for Room & Board.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bricks Laid - January 7th, 2012

Just a few pictures of the brick and stone face of our home. Now that the outside is complete, it is time for the hard work of the inside.

We chose this mix of Ambroise Beige Permacon Stone and Sutton Mason Brick to supplement and compliment the eclectic neighbourhood. The builder picked the mortar and did a great job because it pulls the stone and the brick together.